Alfredo Soriano

Portfolio – Pag. 02

Graphic Design – Pre-press – Multimedia


Advertising campaign to segment markets: Automotive, Architectural, Industrial and Fleet; Product Design (Labels) and different Color Cards in team with Metamorfosis.
Brand Design Umbrellas, Labels and Samples; Creative concept in team with Metamorfosis. Design and realization of files on my own.
Segment Logo Design: Creative concept in team with Metamorphosis, realization of files on my own. Creation of Banners and Facade Design Application Book.
Design of Color Catalogs are my creation. Each design has special metallic colors (Pantone), Matte Laminate and UV Registration Varnish. — See physical samples
Color charts and technical sheets for DuPont.


Samples designed by the client’s agencies; my job here was to review files, verify photos, output to pre-press, OverPrint, Color Spots for internal application of the company and Formations with theirrespective finishes. Many times I had to reject files or reassemble the designs.
Comex designs made by me. From sketch to offset printing.
Comex campaign with the Government of Puebla to paint historic facades in downtown Puebla. Metamorfosis designed the project’s magazine, my collaboration was to retouch all the photos

Photographic Retouching

Family Projects
Automotive Catalog Design. Effects made in Maya 3d.
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